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Travel By The Seat of My Pants Backfires

Writer's picture: Sandee HamiltonSandee Hamilton

Saturday morning we got up at 8, packed up, I made ☕because there is always time for coffee, and we got on the road. 1,024 miles to go - I got this.

The traffic was outrageous. In Charlotte, I got off I-77, found a Starbucks, and took some backroads just to have a more calming drive. When we get to 95 it was a parking lot. So many vehicles, rig after rig, this is NOT pleasant driving. My mind wanders back to that sunflower lined road in South Dakota...this is ridiculous. This is Spring Break. Everyone is headed to Florida.

I set a goal to drive 600-650 miles. Was going to try to get to Florida-Georgia border. Before we get to Brunswick, GA, I have Alex looking for a room. There are none. 0. He finally funds one, books it, and we head there. I am told by an overwhelmed man that there are no rooms. But, I have a reservation. I paid. Sorry, no rooms. Be careful booking online, because this is a thing.

We drive south searching for a room. There are most definitely NONE. We get to Jacksonville, calling, looking online, NOTHING. It is now 10:30pm, and we are considering our options. Find a Walmart parking lot, and sleep for a bit. Drive to Anastasia Island and sleep in Melissa's driveway. Alex is checking St. Augustine - nope, no rooms there either. Melissa Snaps me and asks if we found a place to stay. Ummm....funny story, I tell her what's happening and she tells me I can stay awake enough to get to her house, they are up, they have room, they are free. (Insert huge amounts of love for her timing, because I was starting to worry). Over 700 miles. Her home is a welcoming beacon. We sat and talked until 1:30am. Thank God for family!

As we pulled out of their driveway at 9am, I am ready to be home, sick of highway driving, and traffic. But, I put on my big girl panties, and hit 95. The driving was a bit lighter, probably because it was Sunday.

Funny story. We love Chik fil A! Gluten free buns, fries and hashbrowns are gluten free. This is a great go to for us. I exit at Daytona Beach, Alex is sleeping, it's 10:10. Woo hoo! There's a Chik fil A. NO LINE. Seriously, feeling excited. Drive around cones, there's a guy sweeping. "Sir, excuse me, HELLO". (Ear buds, can't hear me). Alex "mom, it's Sunday". OMG, backing out, dying laughing, embarrassed, as we go to pull away, the guy pulls his ear bud out and says "don't worry, you're the 5th one this morning". Taco Bell across the street. Yep, tacos for breakfast.

I decide to detour at Melbourne. Love this area. We drive to the beach and drive down the coast, off highway, ocean, beautiful day. We take A1A all the way to Sebastian Inlet. I am invigorated.

3pm, we get out at home, Max comes rushing to greet us, I hear my roosters crowing, home feels good.

Crazy Lady


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