One of my favorite parts of traveling is wildlife! To me, God is in the beauty of the untouched spaces, the people we meet, and the wildlife we see. Playing "look what God made" is something my kids and I have been doing since Meghan was little. She had a book by that title, and every page had a hidden 🐞 and you had to find it. Then we started looking out the window when we were driving - everywhere - to find something God made.
This trip has been filled with God things - people he sent us, places we've seen, animals along the way. So here is our wildlife list:
• Deer - everywhere
• Moose - North Pole, Alaska, our 1st
• Chipmunks - Minnesota
• Bison - Theodore Roosevelt National Park, . North Dakota
• Bighorn Sheep - Badlands South Dakota
• Coyote - Denali National Park, Alaska & Theodore Roosevelt National Park, South Dakota
• Prairie dogs - Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota & Badlands National Park, South Dakota
• Eagles - Alaska
• Wild Horses - North Dakota
• Cows - they weren't wild, but they were loose.
• Cat - feral at a campground.
I tried to get each one, but some moments were gone too quickly to capture!
This CrazyLady is off to work. Choose Happy!!!