75th Annual Azalea Festival
Wow! What a weekend! Our 1st 2 day event, I had a sinus infection, and barely a voice. Roxanne and Marcus joined me and knocked it out of the park! Could not have had such a wonderful experience without them!
We set up Friday night, the rain held off most of the weekend, there were so many great booths, and visitors, and this Crazy Lady loved sharing her stories and candles!
People may think sharing my stories is easy, but as those who know me best will attest, it isn't. Every candle I make is special and a part of my journey in one way or the other. Our travels, my cancer, loss of loved ones, special moments - all of these experiences make up this adventure.
The opportunity to travel to these events is something I am grateful for, and so much love and planning goes into each one. The friends and family that stop by to purchase, support, or encourage me mean everything! Thank you all from the bottom of my wick!
Looking forward to the next event on St. Patrick's Day in Spring Hill, FL.
In light and love, Bee 🐝 Crazy!
Liquid Gold... I LOVE IT!