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Dreaming of a White Christmas

Ah, yes, the elusive "white" Christmas. Considering I live in S Florida, it's definitely not going to be white. But, it is going to be filled with the family we've created and I'm so grateful that we have. I was moved here at the age of 11.5 and am originally from Pennsylvania. My heart yearns for seasons, Spring flowers, Fall-ing leaves, and that white stuff most northerners fuss about. Fireplaces, wood burning stoves, sled riding, and snowmobiling...and of course building a snowman.

It's really all the things, which is why Alex and I flew to Alaska last winter - right after Christmas. Also why a couple of my favorite scents this season are ones inspired by Alaska - Wood Stove Winters and Arctic Snow.

So what does a Florida girl do when it's Christmas time and she is a candlemaker AND she has an Open House? She drops the a/c, lights a bunch of candles, and plays Christmas music - and pretends it's cold outside and she's going to get a white Christmas!

"May your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmases be white!"

Whatever you celebrate, may your season be filled with love and joy, with a huge sprinkling of adventure! Your forever crazy, CrazyLady! 🤶❄️🎄

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